Vestry & Lay Committees
The Vestry is the governing body of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral including staff, clergy, and elected lay leaders tasked with the administration of the Parish.

2025 Vestry Members
Greg Albert – Senior Warden
Sarah Bennings – Junior Warden
Josie Felton – Clerk
Richard Moore – Member at Large
Eliza Borné
Jack Harvey
Josh Hill
Grady McCoy IV
Susan Mehlburger
Elizabeth Smith
Katie Stephens
Clarke Tucker
David Turner
Kelly Wassell
Eric Wippo
Grant Wallace – Treasurer
In addition to the Vestry, the Cathedral Parish is supported by several committees that oversee and plan the business and activities of our Parish.
Special Committees
Buildings and Grounds Committee
Go and build the sanctuary of the Lord God. (1 Chronicles 22: 19)
Chaired by the Junior Warden, this committee recommends and implements plans for the renovation, repair, and upkeep of facilities, equipment, and outdoor spaces, including rental properties.
Cathedral Connections
Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house. (1 Peter 2:5)
This “in-reach” committee plans, implements, and oversees efforts to nurture and promote relationships between and among parishioners, both long-time and new, and facilitates participation in parish ministries including the Trinity Sunday Picnic and Block Party, Dinners for Eight, Fall Ministry Fair, and the Volunteers Ministry Handbook.
Early Childhood Education Program Board (Appointed)
It is to such as these that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs. (Matthew 19: 14)
This board recommends to the Vestry the policy and direction of this outreach ministry of the Cathedral.
Family Ministry Committee
For everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
This committee plans, oversees, implements, and supports activities that strengthen families and deepen their involvement in the life of the Cathedral. Programs under the committee’s oversight include: Children’s formation, Acolytes, EYC, and the Christmas Pageant.
Liturgy and Music Committee
Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. (Revelation 19:6)
This committee plans, oversees, and publicizes the Cathedral’s program to draw people close to God through liturgy and music.
Matthew 25 Committee
I was hungry and you gave me food. (Matthew 25: 35)
This outreach committee plans, implements, and supports activities that feed the hungry and support those in need of direct assistance in our community.
Red Carpet Committee
I will make you a light to the nations (Isaiah 49:6)
This outreach committee plans, implements, and oversees efforts to throw out the red carpet, inviting friends, neighbors, and greater Little Rock to Trinity Cathedral.
Theological Enrichment Committee
Be transformed by the renewing of your minds. (Romans 12:2.)
This committee develops a spiritually and intellectually rich calendar of lectures, discussions, book studies, special programs, workshops, and retreats for Trinity Cathedral, drawing inquirers and strengthening the faithful.
Stewardship Committee
Think of us this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries. (1 Corinthians 4:1)
This committee plans and implements a year-round program for stewardship in the Cathedral Parish, and conduct the fall every member canvass.
Standing Committees
Standing Committees are defined in the bylaws of the Parish as part of the regular operating procedures of the Vestry.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of the Rector, Senior and Junior Wardens, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Member-at-Large. The Executive Committee helps direct the business of the vestry and has certain emergency powers.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee oversees the Budget of the Parish and investment of funds and reviews the accounts of the Parish. They make recommendations on the financial operations and prepare a Budget, which will be presented to the Vestry for approval annually.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee oversees the employee and business operations of the Parish.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Executive Committee annually to present a slate of candidates to the Parish for election at the Annual Meeting. Usually, it will consist of the retiring members of the Vestry.
Endowment Board
The Endowment Board is elected by the vestry to serve as custodian of the Endowment Fund.