Newcomer FAQs
Coming to any church for the first time, or returning after a time away, can be daunting. We want you to know you are welcome in this place, you are welcome at God’s table. We hope this answers some of your preliminary questions.
Where are you located?
Our street address is 310 W. 17th St, but parking and the main entrance to the Cathedral are on Spring Street. Find more information about parking and accessibility here.
You can also participate in all of our services on YouTube.
What time should I get there and what should I wear?
Our current worship schedule can be found here. We ask you arrive 15 minutes before the service begins. The usher will help determine find a place to sit.
There’s not a dress code, wear what makes you comfortable!
Running late?
That’s ok! We're just glad you're here. The usher will help you know when you can head to your socially-distanced pod.
Who can I ask for guidance or help?
Our ushers are located at the entrances to Spring Street.
Feel free to fill out a visitor card, located on the back of the pew in front of you. Drop it in the offering plate or hand to one of the ushers as they come by. This lets us know a little bit more about you and what you’re looking for in a church home.
Of course, any of our clergy or church staff are available to assist with any questions you may have by contacting the church office at 501-372-0294, Monday-Friday 9-5 p.m.
What is worship like?
The Episcopal Church comes out of the Anglican liturgical tradition; we use the Book of Common Prayer. Our service is a combination of listening to scripture and a sermon, responding with song and prayer. The second half of the service is Holy Communion which be believe is the symbol of our membership in Christ’s Body in the world.
When do I stand, sit, and kneel?
We stand for hymns, the Gospel proclamation, and the Creed. We sit to listen to other scripture readings and the sermon.We kneel (as able) for the confession of sins and during prayers (the Eucharistic prayer and Prayers of the People) both standing and kneeling are appropriate. Cues for these transitions are italicized in the service bulletin.
Who can take Communion and how do I receive it?
The sacrament of Holy Communion, or Eucharist, is open to anyone. We believe Holy Eucharist is an outward and visible sign (the bread and the wine) of an inward and spiritual grace (participation in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).
To take Communion, an usher will come to your pew when it is time to approach the altar. If you cannot manage the steps, please let them know and the clergy will bring Communion to you. To receive the Bread, place one had over the other, palms up, and extend them to the minister distributing the bread. To receive the Wine, assist the minister in guiding the cup to your lips. You may also dip the Bread in the cup or choose not to receive the Wine at all. You are also invited to come to the altar to receive a blessing instead of the elements. Simply cross your arms against your chest and the minister will impart a blessing.
What about fellowship and formation?
Sunday mornings we offer formation for children, youth and adults between the two morning services from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. From 8:30 a.m to 10:30 a.m. each Sunday we offer coffee, pastries, and bagels in Morrison Hall.
I have young children, what is offered for them on Sundays?
Families with young children are welcomed and encouraged to worship together. For information about programs for children and youth contact Emma Mitchell.
More questions? Please ask! Send an email to amy(at)trinitylittlerock(dot)org and we'll get back to you promptly.
Trinity is a house of prayer for all people and seeks to be a welcoming and inclusive faith community. Join us.