

Adult Bible Study: The Psalms with John Calvin

Sundays, 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Conference Room in Keller House

On February 16, our Sunday morning Bible Study will begin studying the Psalms, one of the most treasured books in the whole Bible. During this three-week class, we will also study the sixteenth century reformer, John Calvin, and his own interpretation of the Psalms. A mixture of Bible study and Church history, this class will be not only a chance to hear God in Scripture, but also a chance to hear what God has spoken to one of our Christian ancestors. Participants are encouraged to bring a Bible with them to each session. To sign up for the Bible Study's emails, contact the Rev. Thomas Alexander (

Below is the reading schedule:
February 16 – Introduction: Psalm 1 & 2
February 23 – Prayers: Psalm 22, 51, & 130
March 3 – Imprecations and Laments: Psalm 109 & 137



Breakfast and Bible Study

Mondays, 7 – 8 a.m.
Community Bakery on Main Street

Join us at our local Community Bakery as we begin the week by sharing breakfast and discussing the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday. No prior preparation is involved, but our Monday morning preparations make Sundays even more meaningful. To learn more, contact the Rev. Thomas Alexander [].


Book Club: Marilynne Robinson’s Reading Genesis with Chris Keller

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, beginning March 12
Baker Parlor in Keller House

For the season of Lent, Trinity Cathedral’s Book Club will welcome as guest facilitator the Rev. Dr. Christoph Keller, III as we take up our next book, Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson. Reading Genesis is a penetrating look into scriptures that are read literally by some, and skeptically by others, by a brilliant writer who is neither credulous nor doubtful––rather informed, engaged, and faithful. We will have fun in the class and, for Lent, this will be time well spent. The book is available for order at Wordsworth Books for $29 (hardback), with a 10% discount available for Trinity Cathedral’s Book Club. To sign up, please email the Rev. Thomas Alexander at

March 12: Adam and Eve (pages 3–32)
March 19: Noah’s Ark  (pages 32–81)
March 26: Abraham and Sarah (pages 81–131)
April 2: Jacob and Esau (pages 131–178)
April 9: Joseph and his brothers (pages 178–230


Upcoming Workshops

Preparing for Lent: counting the days
A mixed modality art and discovery retreat with Lisa Thorpe

 Sunday, March 2, 12 to 3 p.m. Morison Hall

Join artist and educator Lisa Thorpe in a day of preparation for Lent. Each person will make a deck of Lenten cards to reflect on during the days of Lent. Like it’s familiar counting cousin, the Advent calendar, these cards will be used to mark the 40 days of Lent. Instead of the candy or treats of the Advent calendar your Lenten cards will challenge you each day to make the three practice of Lent manifest: love your God, love your neighbor, love yourself.

This workshop is for all – no art experience necessary just an open heart and mind! Our Lenten Cards will be made as torn paper collage an accessible technique that is designed for all levels from those with art-phobia to those art-phonemes in our midst, come and enjoy.

Cost is $25 and includes lunch and materials Register here.

