This Week at Trinity 10/21/19
October 21, 2019
12:00 p.m. Lunch & Learn Conference Room | BYOL (Bring your own lunch)
We’ll continue to discuss The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage by Joan Chittister, with a focus on chapters 7-12. Come if you’ve read! Come if you’re interested in thoughtful and intentional discussion! Contact The Rev. Dr. Lisa M. Corry at with questions.
5:15 p.m. Eucharist
Healing Liturgy with an opportunity for Unction in the Chapel.
Dean Keller on Christian Faith and Modern Science 6:00 p.m.
Morrison Hall
This week's topic: “About Liberalism.” Childcare is provided. Come and bring a friend who is curious about faith and science and wonders whether, or how, they are compatible.
Cherub Choir 3:15 p.m.
Seraphim Choir 4:15 p.m.
Bell Tower 5:30 p.m.
Handbell Choir 6:00 p.m.
Cathedral Choir 7:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m. Bliss Auction 2019 Chancellor's Hall - Get Tickets
An Evening of Dancing in honor of Julie and Chris featuring the Stardust Big Band in Chancellors Hall at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.
Stewardship Ingathering
The ingathering of pledge cards will occur this Sunday. Whatever your motivation or capability for giving may be, every pledge is gratefully received. Returned pledge cards are placed in the plate, offered up, and blessed to the glory of God and for the ministry of Trinity Cathedral.
Children's Formation 10:15 -11:00 a.m.
3 year olds-1st grade - Good Shepherd Atrium - hallway across from the nursery in Parish House
2nd & 3rd grade - The True Vine Atrium - upstairs Parish House - use the staircase closest to Morrison Hall
4th & 5th grade - The Covenant Atrium - upstairs Parish House - use the staircase at the end of the hall
Living the Questions Conference Room
LTQ will continue, "The Challenge of Jesus."
Dean's Class 10:30 a.m.
Morrison Hall
Dr. Ann Hedge-Carruthers with readings and stories from her powerful newly published memoir of her husband Bob: In the Long Room of Our Hearts: Where Love and Memory Dwell