This Week at Trinity 12/30/19


December 30, 2019

MONDAY, December 30

NO Jane Wilson Girls Choir

TUESDAY, December 31

New Year's Eve

WEDNESDAY, January 1

New Year's Day - Offices Closed

5:15 p.m. Eucharist
Healing Liturgy with an opportunity for Unction in the Chapel.

SUNDAY, January 5

Children's Formation 10:15 -11:00 a.m.

3 year olds-1st grade - Good Shepherd Atrium - hallway across from the nursery in Parish House

2nd & 3rd grade - The True Vine Atrium - upstairs Parish House - use the staircase closest to Morrison Hall

4th & 5th grade - The Covenant Atrium - upstairs Parish House - use the staircase at the end of the hall

Living the Questions Conference Room
Living the Questions will join the Farewell Reception for the Kellers in Morrison Hall.

Pilgrim's Progress Library/Lounge
We will then take a break until January 12th when we will participate for the third year with the greater Episcopal Church and read the Gospel of John during Epiphany. The group will start reading the Gospel of John on January 5th and will complete on February 23, before Shrove Tuesday and the start of Lent.

Farewell Reception for the Kellers
 10:15 a.m. Morrison Hall
Join us in celebrating the many years of leadership and faithful service the Kellers have given to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and all its parishioners.
1:00 p.m. EfM Iona Room
5:00 p.m. Evensong Cathedral
The Cathedral Choir will present service music and anthems by Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Lehman, and Herbert Howells in this festival choral Evensong, the Dean’s last service to officiate as Dean of the Cathedral.
Category: News