Vestry Retreat
February 09, 2021
The new Vestry met via Zoom on Saturday, February 6th. One of the first pieces of business was to elect officers. Neil Lea agreed to serve as the Senior Warden, Tom Fennel was elected to another year of Junior Warden, Lisa McNeir will serve as the Clerk and Susan Borné will be the Member-at-Large. Herschel Cast will continue his excellent work as the Treasurer.
Later in the retreat the Vestry approved a proposal from Polk Stanley Wilcox for an Architectural Assessment and Master Plan with Sarah Bennings as the Lead Architect. As a result, Sarah resigned her position on the Vestry. The remaining members voted to fill her two year term with the next runner-up from the Vestry election. We are grateful to Susan Mehlberger for accepting this position!
More information about the Vestry retreat will be shared in the next Tuesday newsletter.