Message from Dean Meaux


March 02, 2021

-To the People of Trinity -

I can barely believe I am typing these words. After a year of discerning how to gather virtually, we are beginning the process of returning worship in the Cathedral. The COVID numbers have dropped dramatically in our community and state. The Bishop's guidelines allow us to gather inside once our COVID positivity rate drops below 13 per 10, 000. We are watching our numbers and we are very close, if not already there. It is very exciting to imagine the Cathedral full (to a safe level)!

Because we want to be good neighbors and remain a safe place, we are gathering a team of people to review our safety protocols. For example, we know that the primary way the COVID virus spreads is through aerosol droplets and transmission. For this reason, we will discern our capacity limits. In addition, we will ask everyone over the age of 5 to wear a mask. And, because we know hand washing prevents the spread of germs, hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be available in the pews and throughout the Cathedral. Once we have a list of safety protocols, we will publish these for your review.

Of course, we are also beginning to wonder about all the other ways we gather: Sunday school, regular meetings, and our office hours. As we begin to slowly re-open, watch your email for information about how we will proceed. Never hesitate to reach out to me with your concerns or feedback.

This Sunday, we will worship OUTSIDE Saturday at 4:00 pm and Sunday at 10:00am. The Sunday service will be live-streamed. If COVID positivity numbers remain low, we hope to worship inside the Cathedral Sunday, March 14th, 10:00 am with an outdoor service on Saturday, March 13th at 4:00 pm. Whether in person, inside, or outside, we will continue to live-stream the Sunday morning service.

I can not wait to see you face to face! And please know that your safety and health is of primary importance to us! We will do all we can to continue to be a place where we draw close to God w, Faithfully, Dean Meaux

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