Children's Choir Resumes


November 21, 2021

The Trinity Children’s Choir resumes Wednesday, December 1! This ministry is a fantastic opportunity for children in grades 2-8 (and their parents) for many reasons, including:

  • Free musical education: learning to read music and sing with good technique and confidence
  • Religious education: learning about Christianity and Christian values
  • Building teamwork and listening skills
  • Making new friends
  • Singing alongside our adult singers
  • Free babysitting every week!

We Episcopalians are fortunate to have a beautiful and unique musical tradition, and to be good stewards of that tradition, we must share it with future generations. Rehearsals will be 90 minutes and will take place on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. As we first get started, the Children’s Choir will only sing once a month or so, but as their skills develop, it is my hope that they will sing every other week. I’m relying on you, our parishioners, to help spread the word about this great opportunity. It is not necessary for participants or their families to be Episcopalian. If you, your child, and/or a child you know are interested in this opportunity, please reach out to me at

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