

Advent Lessons and Carols

November 17, 2022

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral will offer a service of Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, November 27th at 4 pm. Eight biblical readings will be interspersed with carols by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Elizabeth Poston, Charles Wood, John Stainer, and

Thanksgiving Day Service

November 16, 2022

Thanksgiving Eucharist November 24th at 10 am, our guest preacher is Kathy Webb, who represents Ward 3 on the Little Rock City Board, and is the Chief Executive Officer for Arkansas Hunger Alliance.

The Art of Honoring

September 25, 2022

Saturday, October 29, 2022 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Join artist, Lisa Thorpe, in a day of reflection, remembering and making. You can choose one or more influential person in your life to honor. Bring a photo/s of a beloved to celebrate. If you don’t have a photo chose papers, images and poems from her collection to use in your accordion collage book. You don’t have to bring anything, everything will be provided to make one accordion collage book of honoring. The folded book you make can honor one person or many, it can have two pages or ten, it’s up to you! No art experience needed, appropriate for adults and teens.

At the end of class participants will set up a collective altar in the chapel at Trinity Cathedral. There is a special All Saints Service at Trinity Cathedral Little Rock on Tuesday, November 1st, 7pm. If you would like your book of honoring to be a part of that service you can leave on the decorated altar until the end of that service, others will be invited to bring pictures and flowers to add as well.

$25 materials fee.

Register here

Category: News

$5,000 Challenge Grant

September 25, 2022

A generous donor has pledged to give the Trinity music program $50 for each person attending the Choral Evensong services on October 9th and 16th, up to $5,000. Help us; come and bring friends.

Category: News

Central Convocation Eucharist

September 01, 2022

Where: St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, 20900 Chenal Pkwy
When: Saturday, September 10, at 11:00 a.m.
What: Please join us for a celebration of our shared ministry as a convocation with a special celebration of Bishop Demby. We will gather for worship and fellowship at St. Margaret's, and all are welcome! Childcare will be provided.

Rising From the Ashes

May 17, 2022

In the late evening of August 8, an arsonist started a fire in the vesting room of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Little Rock, Arkansas. The fire devasted not only the vesting room but burned and smoked damaged most of the vestments held there. Personal clergy vestments were lost as well as the Cathedral’s heritage stoles and chasubles that had been worn for decades by Trinity clergy. These beautiful garments in seasonal colors of purple, red, green, blue, white, and black were worn by clergy at services and imbued with blessings of countless communions, baptisms, weddings, and memorials. The clergy were heartsick and the community was saddened and angered, but one parishioner was inspired.

Fabric artist, Lisa Thorpe, decided that she could make something beautiful rise from the ashes. Remnants of burned vestments were dragged to the Trinity garth to catalog for insurance and then were bound for the dumpster. Thorpe intervened and proposed salvaging some of the damaged material to make new vestments to mark the fire and bring beauty out of the ashes. After cutting away the burned and smoke damaged fabric, Thorpe set about the renewal process.
She washed the remnants multiple times to remove the smell of smoke, then set to work sorting the pieces into color piles. The artist said, “I wanted to use all the colors and patterns that I was able to retrieve; it was important to me that all the vestments be revived and represented if even in the smallest way. The trick was to create something beautiful and meaningful out of the mishmash of colors and textures.”

Thorpe immediately set on the theme of resurrection and the imagery of a phoenix rising from the ashes. “I wanted to represent the paradox of growth from devastation.” She chose to use the classic image of the descending dove to represent rebirth and used that same dove shape in red to represent the spirit rising from the flames. In the end, a stunning set of vestments was created: four clergy stoles, two banners, and insets on the front and back of a new red silk chasuble.
Thorpe says, “When I volunteered, I really didn’t know what I would have to work with or how I would make something from the burned pile, but I jumped in with the Holy Spirit on my side. What I made was so gratifying, and I think is a beautiful representation of the church’s past and now its future, too.”
The new vestments and banners will be blessed and dedicated on Pentecost Sunday, June 5th.

The banners and vestments will be on display in the Morrison Hall foyer between May 19 and Pentecost Sunday, June 5.

Vacation Bible School 2022

May 16, 2022

May Youth Group Sampler Platter

April 21, 2022

Here's what's happenning

During the month of May, all youth in Little Rock area Episcopal churches are invited to participate in a youth group sampler platter. 

  • On May 1st, we begin with a picnic on the west summit side of Pinnacle Mountain from 4:00 – 6:00.  All youth should bring a picnic dinner.  Desserts will be provided.
  • On May 8, 15, and 22nd, from 4 – 6 p.m. the youth will gather at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church (20900 Chenal Pkwy.) for more fun and fellowship.  Annika Warrick, along with other adults from host parishes, will provide the leadership.  All 6th – 12th graders are welcome to “Taste and see that the Lord is good!”
Categories: Event Announcements, News

Mother's Day Purse Drive

April 13, 2022

The Matthew 25 Outreach Committee is happy to bring back our wonderful annual Mother’s Day Purse-giving project this year that benefits so many mothers who, unfortunately, miss out on their special day.  Last year we had just over 130 wonderful purse gift bags and we want to top that!  Please bring your gifts to the Cathedral on Sunday, May 1 for a special blessing of this ministry, or drop your gifts by the Cathedral office if you are unable to attend before May 1.

Who receives the purse gifts?

The purse gifts will be distributed to the children of Our House, Dorcas House and Arkansas Children’s Hospital so they have a special gift to present to their mothers on Mother’s Day.

You Can Help!

  1. Purchase a new or donate a very lightly used ladies’ purse. 
  2. Fill it with some nice goodies for “Mom,” such as:  lip gloss, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, perfume, scarf, small jewelry pieces, mirror, candy…use your imagination! 
  3. Place your purse and goodies in a gift bag with decorative tissue, ribbon and a Happy Mother’s Day card.
  4. OR, if you’re not a shopper:  A monetary gift is welcome (note for Purse Gifts).  Send to Trinity Cathedral, 310 W. 17th Street, LR 72206; or, place in the offering, or give online.
Category: News

Art Exhibit at Christ Church

April 07, 2022

Parishoner, Sandra Graves, who paints under her maiden name, R. S. Perry will be featured in an art exhibit at Christ Church. The opening reception is Friday, April 8 from 5 to 7 p.m. Trinity folks are invited.

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